Chair 46 Rail Jam 2023

Mar 12, 2023
Chair 46 Rail Jam 2023
Chair 46 Rail Jam 2023
Chair 46 Rail Jam 2023

Shot on Location at:

Slush The Magazine:

Check out the feature on Slush The Magazine!

Terrium Magazine:

Check out the feature on Terrium Magazine!

About This Event

McIntyre Ski Area is nestled in the city suburbs of Manchester, NH just off I-93 and is owned and managed by Ross Boisvert since 2009 when he took it over from the city of Manchester. Known for the ease of access to skiing and riding and an approach to getting young people on the mountain, McIntyre has evolved into a hidden gem for East Coast terrain parks. The inaugural Chair 46 rail jam, paying homage to the hill size with just 46 chairs each, took place on March 12, 2023 with over 150 riders and spectators lining the park. Jimmy Nelson, Mountain Operations Manager, organized a great group of sponsors for the event for over $10,000.00 in cash and prizes. McIntyre Parks Terrain Park Manager, Luke Boutin created the Visual Art & Course Design. From local rippers like Jake Parker (@jpballsohard_4) to Dave Dawley (@davediseldoesitdirty), to New England household names like Cole Michie (@cole_michie), Athena Comeau (@athenapc), Erin Alexander (@steezbarb), Joey Leon (@choooch_), and Jake Fernier (@spliffphilis) all showed up to put on a show for over 250 spectators on the most technically challenging but welcoming features, McIntyre Parks has built to date. Affordable lift tickets, an amazing park build, blue skies, rope tow park and what is growing to be, in my opinion, the best and most inclusive community on East Coast, setup for a day that all of us in attendance will never forget. Cheers to what is on the horizon for the 2023-24 season at McIntyre Parks. You know what they say: It`s not about the altitude, it`s about the attitude, CATCH YOU IN THE PARK!

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